Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 13 - Misty

First of all, I just want to say thank you all for including me on this swap! It was such a nice surprise seeing an email from Allison, and then Keri asking me to join. How could I say no, right?! I love you girls, and miss you so much!

Ok, onto my crafty. It wasn't too hard deciding what to make. My craft stash only includes red and white felt (unless you count popsicle sticks). I thought red and white screamed candy cane, and I've really been into wreaths this season, so  voila, a mini candy cane wreath. I did enlist the help of my girls. They both did all the cutting while I strung the wreaths together. We had a blast, and only a few sore "cutting" muscles. I was pleased with how they turned out.  I hope you girls enjoy them! 

Merry Christmas!


  1. So cute! I love candy canes and wreaths so this is perfect. I love that the girls helped!

  2. So cute misty! I was so happy you joined us!!

  3. I love it, Misty! Miss you lots, too! So glad you joined us and so fun that your girls helped.

  4. I am so very glad you joined us for this swap! I was kinda bummed we had to wait until the end, but it was worth it!!! I love that it's similar to Sharron's, which I loved, but different enough that they're matchy without being matchy-matchy. And also, I wore your apron today for cookie baking, as I do every time I bake, still one of my favorite swap gifts and still holding up perfectly. Love you, lady, and thrilled that you still pop into our lives now and then.
